sarah schingeck


Sarah has sang in various local groups including Biss, Folkit, The Pedley Project, The John Reece Project, Sarah and the Groove, The Sugarbeats, The Schindigs and various worship bands in churches in both Holland, MI. and the Saginaw/Bay area. 

Sarah majored in music at Hope College in Holland, MI. and Mastered in Early Childhood Education at Saginaw Valley State University.  She has used her college degrees to share the joy of music making with a career in Elementary Music in the Essexville-Hampton Public School District.  

Sarah treasures acoustic music and the work of talented singer/songwriters and through their influence Sarah felt inspired to write her own music and songs.  Sarah released her first EP titled "Be Still" in January of 2018 that included five of Sarah's original songs.  The EP was recorded at Reed Recording Company in Bay City, MI.  Sarah's vocal stylings have been inspired by and compared to artists such as Gillian Welch and May Erlewine.  Her songwriting styles vary  from thoughtful, tender, spirit filled to silly and clever.